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Dogtown by Katherine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko


Dogtown by Katherine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko

Non Wels

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Katherine Applegate
Gennifer Choldenko

Wallace West


Written by Katherine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko
Illustrated by Wallace West

Published by MacMillan (2023)

2025-2026 Nominees - Intermediate


Now a New York Times bestseller, an Indie bestseller, and an Amazon Best Children's Book! From beloved authors Katherine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko and with illustrations by Wallace West, Dogtown is at once an uplifting story and a page-turning adventure, sure to find a forever home in readers’ hearts.

Dogtown is a shelter for stray dogs, misbehaving dogs, and discarded robot dogs, whose owners have outgrown them.

Chance, a real dog, has been in Dogtown since her owners unwittingly left her with irresponsible dog-sitters who skipped town.

Metal Head is a robot dog who dreams of being back in a real home.

And Mouse is a mouse who has the run of Dogtown, pilfering kibble, and performing clever feats to protect the dogs he loves.

When Chance and Metal Head embark on an adventure to find their forever homes, there is danger, cheese sandwiches, a charging station, and some unexpected kindnesses along the way.