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Helen’s Big World: The Life of Helen Keller


Helen’s Big World: The Life of Helen Keller

Alethea Allarey

Official Links



Written by Doreen Rappaport
Illustrated by Matt Tavares

Published by Disney-Hyperion, 2012

2015-2016 Winner - Picture Books for Older Readers


This picture book biography is an excellent and accessible introduction for young readers to learn about one of the world's most influential luminaries. With her signature style of prose laced with stirring quotes, Doreen Rappaport brings to life Helen Keller's poignant narrative. Acclaimed illustrator Matt Tavares beautifully captures the dynamism and verve of Helen Keller's life and legacy, making Helen's Big World an unforgettable portrait of a woman whose vision for innovation and progress changed America--and the world--forever.


Click the images below for excerpts from Helen's Big World, used with permission of the publisher, Disney-Hyperion