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The Eyebrows of Doom by Steve Smallman and Miguel Ordóñez


The Eyebrows of Doom by Steve Smallman and Miguel Ordóñez

Non Wels

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Steve Smallman

Miguel Ordóñez

Penguin Random House

Written by steve smallman
illustrated by miguel ordóñez

Published by Penguin Random House (2022)

2025-2026 Nominees - Primary


While sweeping his cave one day, a bear named Dave meets two slugs covered in fuzz who look curiously like eyebrows—and they cause hilarious trouble wherever they go!

A bear named Dave is sweeping his cave one day when two slugs, covered in fuzz, emerge from the dust pile and announce that they are THE Eyebrows of Doom. Suddenly, Dave feels the urge to do something unkind, so he crashes through a fence at the nearby campsite and eats all of the campers’ food and knocks down their tents. The evil Eyebrows then find a young girl named Molly, who smushes her ice cream all over her grandfather. But when the Eyebrows try to disrupt things at the zoo, they get a big surprise!