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A Letter For Bob by Kim Rogers and Jonathan Nelson (Copy)

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Kim Rogers

Jonathan Nelson

Harper Collins

Written by Kim rogers Illustrated by Jonathan Nelson

Published by Harper Collins (2023)

2025-2026 Nominees - Primary


With humor and heart and brought to life by Jonathan Nelson’s warm, distinctive artwork, Kim Rogers’s A Letter for Bob celebrates the treasured cars that carry us through our most meaningful childhood moments.

Ever since the day Mom and Dad brought Bob home from the car dealership, Bob has been a part of Katie’s family.

Bob has taken them all over, from powwows to vacations to time spent with faraway family. Bob has been there in sad and scary times and for some of the family’s most treasured memories.

But after many miles, it’s time for the family to say goodbye to Bob…

This humorous and tender story about a beloved family car—and all the stories and love carried along for the ride—will appeal to every kid whose family has owned a special car.

Winner of the American Indian Library Association Youth Literature Award and a Charlotte Zolotow Award Highly Commended Title!

Kim Rogers is the author of Just Like Grandma, illustrated by Julie Flett, which received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and ALA Booklist, which called it “a joyous, uplifting celebration of culture and family.”