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Yefferson, Actually by Katherine Trejo and Scott Martin-Rowe


Yefferson, Actually by Katherine Trejo and Scott Martin-Rowe

Non Wels

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Katherine Trejo
Scott Martin-Rowe

Karla Monterrosa

Lil Libros

Written by Katherine Trejo and Scott Martin-Rowe
Illustrated by Karla monterrosa

Published by Lil Libros (2021)

2025-2026 Nominees - Primary


This bilingual picture book helps empower children to stand up for themselves. Yefferson's experience of having his name mispronounced reflects a common challenge faced by many children from diverse backgrounds. By finding the courage to correct others and assert the correct pronunciation of his name, Yefferson models self-advocacy for young readers.

On his first day at a new school, Yefferson realizes that everyone - his teacher, the lunch lady, and his peers - incorrectly call him Jefferson.

With the love and support of his family, Yefferson finds the courage to teach others how to pronounce his name correctly and to be proud of his namesake.